Monday, February 22, 2010

Down to Business

Spent the weekend polishing off the research for chapter one. Since each chapter basically functions as a kind of stand-alone essay, I'm handling them in "bites." We eat the tofu elephant one bite at a time, right?

Chapter one is going to be the most difficult, as it's the "psychology" and "vocabulary" chapter. Not only do I have to define what faith is, I have to explain how it works within the human brain and as a function of our shared culture. But this needs doing. I'm unhappy with the "New Ahtheists" in the way they define faith. Harris, Dawkins, and Hitchens have invented their own definition of the term (que the Strawman) and then proceeded to attack that new term. I'm taking a more holistic approach. We're going to define how the term has been used in history and how it is presently used by theists and skeptics as well as in the broader context of what we believe.

Once the drudge of the first chapter is out of the way, from here on out it's fun stuff.

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